Tuesday, March 2, 2010

One Question

Well, it has been awhile since I last posted. Believe me, I have not been inactive during that period. In fact, I spent 3 hours on a blog post, only to hit one measly button, and permanently erase what I had written. Talk about a blogger's worst nightmare.

I could have wept bitter tears of frustration.

But in the interim I've been thinking maybe that technological disaster was for the best. Methinks that this blog, at least for this subject needs to be short - like a hard, quick hook to the jaw. In my last blog, I took to task Christians for failing to confront popular culture and for doing such a miserable job when they do contrive to do so. This time around I want to deliver a wake up call to the stars who create pop culture.

Within myself I despair I will ever be heard, or, should I be heard, that anyone will heed what I have to say. We seem to live in a society that has lost the ability to feel shame or to acknowledge that anything is wrong, much less sinful. It is highly doubtful that the countless myriads of anecdotes from the lives of the rich and famous and the endless examples from movies, music, and the arts which I could produce would move my hearers to acquiesce for one moment that they are committing moral transgression.

All that I have read, watched, and listened to convince me that the majority of those whom we honor with the title celebrity delight in living and entertaining as if their are no rules, no boundaries, no right and no wrong.

Furthermore, from all that I have observed, great contempt is borne for the poor sap like me who would dare to confront them on their despicable behavior. I make no apology for the use of the adjective "despicable." The endless parade of nudity, semi-nudity, explicit sex acts, violence, and blasphemy that society calls entertainment is despicable.

But I have one question for those artists who seem to delight in living as though there are no rules: just how would you like to be treated as if there really were no rules?

It's all fun and games to live without absolutes until someone cheats on you, rapes you, violates you, steals from you - in short, until someone who is living by your ethical code, breaks your heart.

And so I submit this plea: ladies and gentlemen of the world of stardom, please examine what you do in the name of entertainment, and think seriously about the impact you are having on society. Take responsibility for your wrong doing. Please.

You are both the product and the purveyor of culture, and you are answerable for your role in shaping society's values. May God grant you the grace to acknowledge that you have sinned, and the grace and space to repent before we all live to regret your foolish choices.

With greatest love,
Pastor Chelle

1 comment:

  1. A small thought--if blogspot doesn't have an autosave function, you could just save your post every few lines. I do that with important e-mails. Another way is to type up the post as a document or text file, then just copy it in. That way you could also have a record of all your posts on your computer.

    Re this post--I find the warning highly relevant. If I may offer EVEN MORE totally unsolicited advice, why not pray about posting a link to this post on forums where stars are discussed?
