Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Hypocrite Cop-out

How many of you readers have heard someone say, "I wouldn't be a Christian because there are so many hypocrites in the church!"

I've heard it frequently in my short 31 years, and, truth to be told, I made the same declaration numerous times myself before I surrendered to a life of faith. So, how do you respond to that time-honored statement? Are you thrown for a loop, or do you have a clever comeback? (Incidentally, if you do have a clever comeback, I'd like to hear it - drop me a line in the comment box.)

I've noticed that the stars and celebrities are among those who express that sentiment or a very similar one. The band that I've been featuring in the Daily Prayer Request, AC/DC, has been among those who have taken pot shots at Christian hypocrites, and I'm going to take this opportunity to answer them as if they were actually reading what I have to say (fat chance!).

"You are right - there are hypocrites in the church - perhaps even lots of them - perhaps the biggest majority of professing Christians are hypocrites. After all, Jesus said there were few who actually found the straight and narrow. The Bible even tells us there are hypocrites in the church. But you know what? The world is full of hypocrites, too, not just the church. In fact, I'd like to suggest there are more hypocrites at rock concerts than in church - hypocrites that will pump their fists and scream your praises one minute and run you down the next - I know, I've heard them for myself.

"You don't like hypocrites? Small blame to you: neither does God. Jesus spent an entire chapter in Matthew denouncing them, and assured us that hypocrites are going to hell. In fact, I would like to suggest that there is nothing like a hypocrite to infuriate God... unless it is someone who takes advantage of the weak, and/or wounds the innocent.

"But tell me something: how do you know what a hypocrite is? Hmmm? Well, let me tell you how you know - you know what a hypocrite is because somewhere out there is the real thing whereby you can tell the phony from the genuine. And if there is a real deal, isn't it a bit hypocritical to use the excuse that a hypocrite keeps you from being the real thing yourself? Why don't you become a Christian and show the world what the real thing is? The world needs more of the real thing... desperately. Since when do you allow the presence of counterfeit bills in the world to prevent you from becoming a millionaire?"

I urge all my readers to lay aside the hypocrite cop-out, search your heart, and be such a blazing hot Christian, that even the faintest whiff of hypocrisy will be burned away.
God bless us all... and AC/DC, too.
Pastor Chelle

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